Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm just UNIQUE :D

The weather today was so perfect. There was a gentle breeze with a temperature of 70 degrees... oh my god it was awesome!

Today I started back up in gym (because I was in health class before) and all we did was walk around the track for 15 minutes. Class was short because we had a 3 hour delay for teacher reasons. School started at 10:36 :D We basically had a 3 hour day- shorter classes! So, of course, i woke up feeling awesome because I didn't have to get up at 6 and catch the bus at 6:42. Well... usually my parents drive me but whatever.

Anyhoo, I walked home today. The weather was just soooo amazing that I ditched girlscouts because I'm a horrible girlscout anyway, and I went to Starbucks with the reTARDIS muffin and some other people. We hung out there and then the other people (I make them sound like creepy weirdos or something... DON'T WORRY GUYS, I LOVE YOU!) wanted to go to TJ Maxx to try on shoes. Now, I'm not a girly girl. I'm not the kind of person who tries on shoes. My feet are huge anyway, fancy footwear is not meant for me. I was wearing all black and blasting Of Mice and Men in my earbuds, and they were all girly looking. So I just kinda stood around and laughed at their awkwardness, trying to walk around in 5 inch heels... the reTARDIS muffin really shouldn't wear heels o.o

Sorry if I offended anyone with my crappy drawings of them XD I tried

After that we headed to CVS because reTARDIS muffin needed sunscreen for the Philippines and the others just wanted to poke around. Again, I'm standing there all awkwardly while they gawk at nail polish and lip balm. We wasted our time there for a good long while until reTARDIS muffin and I decided to head home because she needed to be back by 5:00. We live super close to each other, so we get to walk home together whenever we feel like it ;)

As you can imagine, we didn't really talk about anything productive when we were bothering the stores (a lady at TJ Maxx got made at us for "impeding the real customers" by filling up the aisles). When reTARDIS muffin and I walked home, we talked about some pretty deep stuff. Like... well, just stuff. Like is fate was real, or if we could choose our destinies... it sounded so much awesomer when we were actually talking about it. And awesomer is totally a word. Nothing you can say will change my ways.

We talk about the most philosophical stuff when we walk home, and reTARDIS muffin kept pointing out places along the way where we had certain memories. It was kinda sweet, except our memories were really stupid. Like the time she kept being a backwards jellyfish and making distressed beeping noises. She's an odd duck, that one. I'm surprised we're still friends XD


**OK, I actually wrote this post about 2 weeks ago, maybe even more, but then never got around to actually posting it. I'm sorry I've not posted in so long!!! I've got a few posts that I need to write, and I should be able to get them up on the blog this week because I'm on April break :D So just be sure to keep checking for updates! <3**

