Sunday, April 28, 2013

Guest Post Starring: Juicy Froggy


:D Today my friend came over, and she's still here... We are going to call her Juicy Froggy.

Juicy Froggy is a doof. She doofed on my computer. Enjoy.

HAIII ITS LUCYYY RWRRRR I WAS JUST RECORDING MY MESSGE ON MY PHONE nd sorry for the lack of "a"s, but nupma lost her thingiemabobber
i like chez snd im hungry
im sooo funny'
im a frog

here is  story that i made

once upon a derp there was a square
he met a trignel and they fell in  A DITCH
and DIED
then they turned into zombies and had a gret big sleepover
but then a party pooper named browny mcfurguson came and pooped on their party
gosh drn it browny!!!!

p.s. browny = shnupama


lol yeah so she pooped on my computer. You're welcome.


So the weather was super nice today, even a little hot. Juicy and I decided to take advantage of said gorgeous weather after my MOM MADE US DO YARD WORK >:( But yeah, anyway, we went for a walk. Since we are 3-year-olds at heart, we brought chalk.
We vandalized the streets like the hardcore gangsters we are (we drew smiley faces).
On our magical walk through the forest of elves and fairies (JUICY JUST BROKE INTO SONG. SHUT UP JUICY.) we ran into a dude who we will call.... Munchkin. Since Munchkin is derf, he drew a blubberfly! :D

Ain't it just beautiful?!


Juicy saw this kitty cat hanging around and she wanted to pet the kitty cat so she terrorized it. The kitty cat was randomly walking into someone's house that wasn't hers and Juicy followed.... yeah.

Now we're sitting in my messy, dusty hole in the wall I call a room and Juicy attacked me with a bunny. EAT LOTS OF CHEESE!


Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm just UNIQUE :D

The weather today was so perfect. There was a gentle breeze with a temperature of 70 degrees... oh my god it was awesome!

Today I started back up in gym (because I was in health class before) and all we did was walk around the track for 15 minutes. Class was short because we had a 3 hour delay for teacher reasons. School started at 10:36 :D We basically had a 3 hour day- shorter classes! So, of course, i woke up feeling awesome because I didn't have to get up at 6 and catch the bus at 6:42. Well... usually my parents drive me but whatever.

Anyhoo, I walked home today. The weather was just soooo amazing that I ditched girlscouts because I'm a horrible girlscout anyway, and I went to Starbucks with the reTARDIS muffin and some other people. We hung out there and then the other people (I make them sound like creepy weirdos or something... DON'T WORRY GUYS, I LOVE YOU!) wanted to go to TJ Maxx to try on shoes. Now, I'm not a girly girl. I'm not the kind of person who tries on shoes. My feet are huge anyway, fancy footwear is not meant for me. I was wearing all black and blasting Of Mice and Men in my earbuds, and they were all girly looking. So I just kinda stood around and laughed at their awkwardness, trying to walk around in 5 inch heels... the reTARDIS muffin really shouldn't wear heels o.o

Sorry if I offended anyone with my crappy drawings of them XD I tried

After that we headed to CVS because reTARDIS muffin needed sunscreen for the Philippines and the others just wanted to poke around. Again, I'm standing there all awkwardly while they gawk at nail polish and lip balm. We wasted our time there for a good long while until reTARDIS muffin and I decided to head home because she needed to be back by 5:00. We live super close to each other, so we get to walk home together whenever we feel like it ;)

As you can imagine, we didn't really talk about anything productive when we were bothering the stores (a lady at TJ Maxx got made at us for "impeding the real customers" by filling up the aisles). When reTARDIS muffin and I walked home, we talked about some pretty deep stuff. Like... well, just stuff. Like is fate was real, or if we could choose our destinies... it sounded so much awesomer when we were actually talking about it. And awesomer is totally a word. Nothing you can say will change my ways.

We talk about the most philosophical stuff when we walk home, and reTARDIS muffin kept pointing out places along the way where we had certain memories. It was kinda sweet, except our memories were really stupid. Like the time she kept being a backwards jellyfish and making distressed beeping noises. She's an odd duck, that one. I'm surprised we're still friends XD


**OK, I actually wrote this post about 2 weeks ago, maybe even more, but then never got around to actually posting it. I'm sorry I've not posted in so long!!! I've got a few posts that I need to write, and I should be able to get them up on the blog this week because I'm on April break :D So just be sure to keep checking for updates! <3**



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Awkward o.o


So I've done a few guest posts recently. Well, only two, but in relation to how long I've had the blog, that's a lot. Anyway, I thought I'd tell you about my weirdness.

Hah, yeah right. No, I'm going to tell you mostly about my friend's weirdness and how it awkwardly draws attention to us.

Today I had to makeup a Social Studies quiz after school because I was out sick all last week (as you all know). I didn't really feel like going home after because that's too mainstream, so I went to my other house. I feel like I've earned the right to call it that because it kind of is. I spend so much time there, it's not even funny. This is the house I was telling you guys was all weird in the Zelda post.

So I texted the resident of the weird house so she knew I was coming. Apparently, she didn't get the text I sent about having to stay after school to take a quiz, so she found me at my classroom getting ready to start. I told her to hang out in the library, but no, she just had to sit outside the classroom all creepily. She sat down right outside the door with her backpack. When I came out, I found her hunched over with her earbuds in, and her hair covering her face. She looked like an extremely depressed emo kid, I kid you not. She told me she was listening to Black Veil Brides (quelle surprise) which added to the effect. She could've totally pulled it off, had she not smiled at everyone that walked by. She even said hi to another friend of mine, who poked her head in the classroom while I was taking the quiz and whispered, "You can do it, TARDIS!"
So yeah, she was being weird.

**the weird yellow stuff in her hair is supposed to be her blonde streaks from when she died it purple... but extra points for the TARDIS iPhone case :D**

The walk home, though... that was something else.

She was still listening to Black Veil Brides when we got out of the school (we went a back way because she wanted to explore... *sigh*) but her phone was dying, so we shared my earbuds and listened to Saosin :D awesome band, you guys should listen to them... We walked down the street really stupidly, both trying to keep our earbuds in. We started talking about random stuff, and somehow the conversation topic came to rest on her mom. Sadly, this isn't an uncommon discussion topic for us... Anyway, she was telling me about how her mom randomly starts walking weirdly. She decided it was a great idea to demonstrate for me as we walked along in public. She was waddling forward like a constipated ballerina when I noticed some people walking behind us. They were staring at my friend with the most horrified "what the hell" faces I had ever seen, and I admit, they had good reason. Imagine it from their point of view: there are two weird looking girls in front of them trying pathetically to share earbuds and failing because they kept falling out, talking very loudly, and now one of them decided she wanted to be a duck. I guess I would be weirded out if I was presented with the same image.

We kept walking and ran into some kids we know. Well. I know of two of them, only one of which knows me, and neither of us knows the third kid. But that's okay, we had a good time. Basically, I think I made an inside joke with them by accident because they were talking about how we're so weird and I blurted out, "I USED TO BE NORMAL!" So now I guess that's a thing. We'll see XD

Like seriously.
I was so happy today because when I walked into math class, people acknowledged my existence as a unicorn. Like, they were talking about me being a unicorn and when I walked in, this girl was like, "Anupama, are you really a unicorn?" and I said, "of course I am." and she was like "oh. Okay. Fine by me." AND I WAS SO HAPPY :D I AM THE NUTELLA UNICORN GODDESS OF ALL!!!! BOW TO ME, PEASANTS.
