Thursday, March 28, 2013

What the Hell is a Triage Nurse?!

Hey there! Guess what? I'm dying. Slowly. Painfully.

Basically, I've been really sick for the past week, sitting around drinking tea and blowing my brains out on to tissues. I feel so guilty. I've probably used up 3 or 4 trees blowing my nose every 3 seconds. Sorry trees!

I'm sitting on my bed in my pajamas with my computer. The room is completely dark because I'm a vampire (not really, I'm too Indian to be a vampire). I'm on my third cup of tea in the hour and a half I've been awake, so I'm going to have to pee soon... My mom just left for work and my dad drove my brother to school about 40 minutes ago, so the house is nice and quiet. Finally. Seriously, my family just does not stop yattering about the stupidest things and it's quite a painful experience for someone whose brain is trying to push out their forehead. I've had this constant headache and it's driving me nuts! I feel sooo bad for those people that always have migraines or whatever. They must be in so much pain!

Anyway, my headache isn't made much better by the constant ringing of my home phone. I've got it on speaker while I wait for someone to pick up. I'm calling the doctor because my mom is pissed off that I'm missing my third day of school in a row. I'm supposed to ask the person if they're a triage nurse when they come on, but I have no idea what that is. I've heard that word since I was really little because that's what my mom always asks when she calls the doctor's office, but I was never told what it means. Doesn't that ever happen to you guys? Like, you hear this word or phrase your entire life, but you just have no idea what it means. I wish there was just like, a list of words you automatically know because no one ever tells you. Then again, that's what the interweb is for :]

Yay! The lady finally picked up! And she says she is a triage nurse. I hope that's a good thing XD

I'll probably post again today because I don't have much else to do. Please comment if you liked it, or even if you didn't! All feedback is welcome :]



  1. Awesome! (The post). GET WELL SOON

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. im getting better :) anti-bios are magical things
