Sunday, March 31, 2013

Aquarium :D

I love the Aquarium. It's such a great place, and fish are cool :D

I went there with my family yesterday evening. We headed out to Boston around 4:00, and walked down to the huge building known as the New England Aquarium. There are many reasons why I love going there. The first one- the building itself. It's just so cool! If you've ever been there, you know what I'm talking about. It's just shaped so weirdly XD See? Look!

Now isn't that just an interesting building? And I love how it's right on the water so you can go and explore on the dock! And they have this huge tank out front with seals in it. They're so adorable!!!
The just sit there, their bodies completely straight up and down under water with their heads just above, looking around at all the people with their faces presses against the glass. I wonder how they stay like that?

Another reason is the sheer awesomeness. Penguins. Moray eels. Mandarin fish. Octopi. THEY'RE ALL JUST SO COOL LOOKING. We saw this extremely derpy eel. I don't know how to describe it, but the face-my god, it was just really pissed off at something or the other. It had really fat cheeks and a disapproving expression, and to top it off, it didn't have one of those stubby, angry fish bodies to go with it. No, it was a 3 foot eel. it was just this weird, fat, gray worm-fish-thing with an angry face. It kept spazzing around and looking at us like we had done something really rude XD

Doesn't he look stupid??!!

I also really really really REALLY love the touch tanks. Right now, they have this shark and ray touch tank and it's so cool! Unlike the last time I went, the water was pretty warm so I was actually able to stay for awhile. The stingrays were small and gray kept swimming around and coming up to the edge of the take to be petted, but the sharks kind of hid away. Last time I got to touch one when nobody else did, but then it swam away :( There were also two huge leopard spotted rays, but they never come around to the edge for people to see them. The always hide behind the rocks...

I also got a ton of photos on my new iPod because APPLE CAMERAS ARE JUST SO AMAZING!!!!! They're insanely good quality. ENJOY MY PHOTOS!!!!

These are from our walk around Boston. We went to dinner at Legal Seafoods. It's so fancy there that they have different floors for your level of classiness. The first floor is for classy peasants, the second floor is for über classy folk, and the third floor is for the president. We ate on the first floor because my brother really wanted fish and chips and apparently fish and chips aren't considered "fine dining". I got sea scallops (YUM SO GOOD) and my parents both had fancy trout. Basically, we pretended we were super fancy for a night.

I really like Boston. Just being there at night with the lights making reflections in the water makes me feel really good. My brother and I walked together, way behind our parents because we kept taking pictures of ourselves and the scenery. We got to bond or whatever, so we had a good time :)

Sorry this post isn't funny or whatever, I just decided to use the blog to actually blog and talk at you guys about my life :] hope you enjoyed it, even thought it's mostly just photos XD


Guest Post Starring: CHEESE CAT

Hey guys, CHEESE CAT is at my house because her parents are looking at my AWSHUM kitchen :D

Anyway, I drew a picture of her!!!

hehe so here she is :)

(Sorry for the creepy hello). So I'm Daisy (aka Cheese cat) and I'm probably one of Anupama's most demented friends. So excuse me if I suddenly spazz or something... I like swimming, cheese and other cheese related items.
But anyways, if you see Anupama anytime on the interweb or in real life, please feel free to call her NEWPERMA. Long story short, it is the way my mom wrote Anupama's name, because of her incredibly Asian spelling. >.< ASSSIIIIAAANNNN FFFAAACCCCEEEEE.



so guys I might post later because I actually have stuff I want to tell you about. BUUTTT I might not have the time because I have a TON of work to do (clean room, fold laundry, etc.)

Hope to see you soon!

~Anupama (:

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Legend of LINK!

I had the best day ever yesterday. Like, it was soooo good. I just woke up feeling great!

Let me explain. After going to the doctor's and getting anti-bios, I started to feel a lot better. That night i went to bed with a slightly cleared head, but in the morning- the morning was GREAT! I just woke up yesterday and said, "I feel sooo good." Because I did. Anti-bios are magical, I swear. Imagine having your head underwater all the time and the only way you can breath is by panting very heavily, and and sound or movement sends your mind into a crushing feeling of having your brain squeezed by a blood-pressure-measurey-thing from a pediatrician's office. That's how I felt all week. Now imagine that this torturous hell suddenly disappeared overnight. It leaves you with the most beautiful feeling possible.

Yesterday was also my parents' 21st anniversary (HAPPY ANNIVERSARY <3). Because anniversaries are apparently child-excluding events >:(, I was sent off to a friend's house. I got there around 9:30 and basically lived there for the day.

Even though I brought homework stuff, we spent the entire time playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. SO FUN. IT'S ADDICTING. IT'S REALLY REALLY FUN. But I have a few complaints.

1) Why is it called Legend of Zelda?!  Link is the hero, it should be his name in the title!
2) This is literally the girliest game I've ever played. Seriously.
"Link, play that song on you do on the piece of grass that Epona likes!"
What? Just what? I thought Link was all hardcore and awesome? Since when does he play songs on pieces of grass for his dear horsey???
3) I'm about a quarter of the way through the game and Zelda still hasn't been introduced to the story. I thought it was called Legend of ZELDA? If their not going to make the game called Legend of Link, they should at least make Zelda part of the story.

But besides that it was really awesome. I made Link's name UNICORN and I changed Epona's to COOKIE so whenever people talked to me, they were like, "Hey, UNICORN! Could you help me herd these goats? Go get COOKIE to help you!" I couldn't stop cracking up XD They're all so derpy!

In the evening I went to my other friend's house and we spent about 4 hours doing nothing at all. We just watched a few episodes of Parks and Recreation (great show, by the way, super funny) and then we hung out in her downstairs area. She has a weird house. I mean i really like it, but it's weird. Like, she has two floors. Well... she might have an attic but that doesn't really count. The upper floor has the kitchen, living room, dining room, bedrooms, and two bathrooms. Most people have a floor with the kitchen and living areas and then an upstairs for bedrooms, with bathrooms distributed around the house. Then her downstairs place is just and office, a guest bed, and another bathroom. Besides the weird architecture it's actually a really nice house... I spend way too much time there. It's my second home :)

Now because I'm bored, enjoy this picture of a unicorn riding a cookie that I drew :D

There is a weird polka dot on the cookie. Why is there a weird polka dot on the cookie? I don't like the weird polka dot on the cookie. It irritates me.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Guest Post Starring the ReTARDIS Muffin

Hey guys! Alrighty so about 3 seconds ago i posted something else, then my retardis muffin came over to give me homework. She begged to make a guest post, so here she is!

Well, hi there. I'm Ceci. I'm not creepy, I'm Ceci. Yes. OK. Well. So.
Anupama is in the possession of a very high tech tablet. Actually, it probably isn't that high tech because… It isn't? I think. Probably :)

And because I myself am an artist, although specializing more in Sharpies and binders, I decided to give it a try. But unfortunately, because I do not specialize in tablets, it will probably look very odd. But… TOO BAD!!!

I drew a picture. It's true. C'esssttttt vraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. C'est une copine *cool eyebrows
I'm probably going to post more guest posts because I enjoy fooling around to make pictures on the tablet. And I like sitting on memory foam beds. Ok I'm going to go.




okay that was my retarded friend Ceci... hoped you liked her, she's coming back whether I want her to or not XD


Confuzzling Puzzling Stuff

Okay, second post today.

My sickness has taken a turn for the worse... Apparently I have sinus infection and I have to be on anti-bios for a week, and I've got a stomach ache :[ So, I decided to use this time of empty misery to do more blogging.

I thought I'd talk about the name of this blog, Confuzzling Puzzling Stuff (incase you, for some weird reason, didn't know). You see it all started about... I don't know, two weeks ago? Whatever. One day I was chatting with a friend on Gmail and procrastinating my math homework. I just really didn't want to do it. So we were chatting back and forth about nothing in particular, and somehow the conversation lead to snails. I don't really know what was going through my head, so don't ask.
Anyway, I had this thought that snails are weird because they are. Seriously, what's the point of slugs with shells? Maybe they just want to be classy?

:] So snails are confusing. Confusing is like confuzzling. Confuzzling rhymes with puzzling. Confuzzling puzzling snails!!!

And what does the average middle schooler do when she has an idea about confusing snails? Apparently she writes a poem. So I did. Mind you, this is all late at night when I probably should've been sleeping, and I still hadn't done my math homework.

I opened up Google Drive and wrote at the top: CONFUZZLING PUZZLING EDUARDO, because what better name for a snail is there than Eduardo?
This is what followed:


i am a snail.
my name is Eduardo.
i am the stuff of dreams.
my shell is the deepest purple u ever saw
i am the brightest green.
the colors catch the eye of any passing artist.
i am a master piece.
my life is short yes.
but i have stories to tell.
i’ve been to france,
and seen the death of my uncle.
i’ve been to maine
and met the queen.
i’ve been home
where i spend my short lived days.
i am the something that
tags along wherever u go.
i have the imagination if a child.
i’ve written 3 books~
the first being the marks in the sand
from where my
the second being the trail
i made
from here to there and back again.
the third being this.
the recounting of my life.
it’s short and sweet and to the point
is what everyone told me.
but it’s so much more.
i am old, old as can be
although i’m only three.
wrinkles tell the
times i’ve been through.
my lustrous shell
is a dull rosy pink.
am i to die today?
i hope so.
for if i live
all the things i’ve done
won't make a difference.
my life will have been
dreadfully boring.
if i die today,
i will have lived in only
the best of times.
or will my exciting life go on?
i feel as though
it won't,
but who am i
to tell my fate
my future
my feelings
of this life?
i've done so much
yet there’s so much more to do.
but this little
snail mind
cannot take so much of this
i’d much rather live in this moment
then contemplate the future
for my life is short.
i wouldn’t want to die
thinking about
when im going
to die.
so the moral
of this seemingly useless
of nothing
don't think too hard.

So yeah... That's the poem I wrote. Pretty philosophically awesome, even if I say so myself. Especially if you think about the circumstances. 

Eventually I did actually get my math homework done XD

I decided that I was just so proud of this that I made it my blog title :] Not that I'm really going to use this blog to talk about stuff that confuzzles me or whatever. I think it's a good name, don't you? Comment to tell me what you thing =:3


What the Hell is a Triage Nurse?!

Hey there! Guess what? I'm dying. Slowly. Painfully.

Basically, I've been really sick for the past week, sitting around drinking tea and blowing my brains out on to tissues. I feel so guilty. I've probably used up 3 or 4 trees blowing my nose every 3 seconds. Sorry trees!

I'm sitting on my bed in my pajamas with my computer. The room is completely dark because I'm a vampire (not really, I'm too Indian to be a vampire). I'm on my third cup of tea in the hour and a half I've been awake, so I'm going to have to pee soon... My mom just left for work and my dad drove my brother to school about 40 minutes ago, so the house is nice and quiet. Finally. Seriously, my family just does not stop yattering about the stupidest things and it's quite a painful experience for someone whose brain is trying to push out their forehead. I've had this constant headache and it's driving me nuts! I feel sooo bad for those people that always have migraines or whatever. They must be in so much pain!

Anyway, my headache isn't made much better by the constant ringing of my home phone. I've got it on speaker while I wait for someone to pick up. I'm calling the doctor because my mom is pissed off that I'm missing my third day of school in a row. I'm supposed to ask the person if they're a triage nurse when they come on, but I have no idea what that is. I've heard that word since I was really little because that's what my mom always asks when she calls the doctor's office, but I was never told what it means. Doesn't that ever happen to you guys? Like, you hear this word or phrase your entire life, but you just have no idea what it means. I wish there was just like, a list of words you automatically know because no one ever tells you. Then again, that's what the interweb is for :]

Yay! The lady finally picked up! And she says she is a triage nurse. I hope that's a good thing XD

I'll probably post again today because I don't have much else to do. Please comment if you liked it, or even if you didn't! All feedback is welcome :]


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Something New...?



I never really thought about this before, but it seems like an interesting thing to do. I doubt it'll go anywhere, but it's worth a try :]

I'm going to start with introductions because it seems like the logical thing to do, and I have no experience with blogging whatsoever.

I'm a middle schooler from Massachusetts, and I love bunnies. So much. Like, a hell of a lot. How can you dislike bunnies? They're so fluffy and cute and awesome <3 I have two, so I know they're vicious and stuff but they're just so flippin ADORABLE!

You know they're precious ^-^ <3 Coconut is mine, and Toast is my older brother's. They're 2-year-old sisters, and I religiously believe that Coco was Einstein in her past life. She has the biggest crazy eyes, and she has Einstein hair XD

I'm really into music. Not new stuff like One Direction or whatever. I mean, some of the bands I listen to are pretty new but they're bands like... well... actually, no, I don't listen to any bands that have been around for less than 5 years. My favorite band is Rise Against- if you don't know them, LOOK THEM UP THEY'RE SO GOOD!!! I also listen to Pop Punk and older stuff like Pink Floyd. If you don't know them, you clearly live in a hole.

I draw :] Drawing is my thing. I'll probably post drawings if I think them interweb worthy or I just feel like it. Like the bunnies. I'll do stuff like that. And also like my really good stuff. Like this~

Sorry for the crappy quality, I had to take this on my really not awesome phone. Anyway, I drew it during this thing I had at school today called Project Wellness (sooo boring). I'm kinda really sick, so my mom and I ditched and went to the cafeteria and got coffee. I drew her hand and I'm actually really proud of this... I've never done such a good pen drawing before! :D
By the way you guys, her hand isn't nearly as hairy as it looks... I just don't have the magical ability to erase ballpoint pen...

Yup that's pretty much it... I'm not a particularly interesting person, but I'll do my best :]
